Money & Me is a free financial literacy programme designed by The Edge Education Foundation to teach youths skills such as saving, budgeting, planning and how to achieve their goals. It also introduces youths to entrepreneurship, starting with a small business project, and encourages them to give back to those in need.

The programme has 5 modules.

To help participants understand the importance of saving and to inculcate a positive attitude towards saving

To inculcate good spending habits and teach participants to be savvy consumers

To prompt participants to start thinking about career, work and entrepreneurship and understand the rights and responsibilities of employees

To introduce participants to the importance of investing and ways to invest and grow wealth

To introduce basic entrepreneurship skills, create an awareness of social and financial enterprises, and cultivate the spirit of giving


The very first lesson in Money & Me encourages participants to think about money, the importance of money to well-being, saving for the future, and the concept of “pay yourself first”.



Money & Me is approved as a co-curricular programme for Form 4 students by the Sports, Co-curriculum and Arts Division (Bahagian Sukan, Kokurikulum dan Kesenian) of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

If you are a school or PIBG leader in an SMK and are interested to run the programme at your school, drop us a note.


Money & Me is a programme by The Edge Education Foundation and is carried out in collaboration with partners from the corporate, academic and philanthropic sectors as well as teachers at participating schools. Citi Foundation supported the programme from its launch until 2018.


The Edge Education Foundation (TEEF) is the charitable arm of The Edge Media Group. It focuses on education because education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. TEEF promotes two main initiatives in the field of education – English proficiency and financial literacy. Our target audience is youths, particularly those in secondary school. TEEF’s signature programme in the area of financial literacy is ‘Money & Me: Youth Financial Empowerment Programme’. Money & Me was designed in-house with funding from Citi Foundation, and launched in 2016 in five schools in collaboration with partners from the private sector.

The Edge Education Foundation works closely with its partners who are running Money & Me in schools in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Sabah.


Baker Hughes (NASDAQ: BKR) is an energy technology company that provides solutions for energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and conducting business in 120+ countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner, and more efficient for people and the planet. Visit us at

Baker Hughes also seeks to make a positive impact in the communities where we operate around the world.  Consistent with our purpose and values, we work to advance environmental quality, educational opportunities, and health and wellness.  We benefit our communities through financial contributions, in-kind donations of goods and services, and volunteer projects.  The Baker Hughes Foundation makes strategic philanthropic contributions, matches Baker Hughes employee charitable contributions, and awards volunteer recognition grants for outstanding employee community service.


BHP is a leading global resources company with approximately 80,000 employees and contractors, primarily in Australia and the Americas. BHP’s products are sold worldwide, and it is among the world’s top producers of major commodities, including iron ore, copper, nickel, and metallurgical coal. Learn more:


With a presence in over 150 countries, Deloitte is committed to making a positive contribution to local communities. Through pro bono and skills-based volunteering, strategic relationships with non-profits, charitable giving and our signature Impact Day initiatives, Deloitte professionals demonstrate their passion for making a positive impact in the community.

Deloitte is also committed to empowering people to succeed in a rapidly changing global economy. Through WorldClass – a global ambition to prepare 50 million futures for a world of opportunity, we are applying our core skills, experience, and global reach to empower more people through education, skills development, and access to opportunity.


Launched in 2018, with the ambition to positively impact one billion lives by 2030, EY Ripples embodies our quest globally to lead EY people and networks in accelerating progress toward a socially just, economically inclusive and environmentally regenerative future for all to ultimately create long-term value and achieve the EY purpose of building a better working world.   

Our EY people use their skills, knowledge and experience to bring positive change across three focus areas:

 -Supporting the next generation workforce

– Working with impact entrepreneurs

– Accelerating environmental sustainability 

In Malaysia, one of the many programs we participate in is the Money & Me: Youth Financial Empowerment Program. EY has been involved in this program since its inception in 2016 and EY volunteers contribute their skills, knowledge and experience to help young and underserved groups to develop the mindsets and skills they’ll need for meaningful economic opportunities.


GE has been around for 125 years and volunteerism has always been a part of the company. In Malaysia, GE has been actively involved in CSR activities in the areas of environment, education, community building, and health. In 2017, GE partnered with EPIC homes and built its third home for an Orang Asli family, worked with JARING to plant mangrove trees in Kuala Selangor, and sponsored 50 school children in SMK Subis in Miri under the MyKasih Foundation. In Selangor, GE has adopted three schools and provides lessons/coaching to high school children under AMCHAM’s Young Enterprise Programme and TEEF’s Money & Me: Youth Financial Empowerment Programme.


One of the most respected and trusted names in Malaysia’s private higher education, INTI International University & Colleges celebrates more than 30 years of empowering young minds with over 65,000 graduates to testify to the quality education it delivers. INTI provides access to global resources, best practices, teaching methods, international faculty and learning management systems that are truly world class.

With a strong focus on innovative learning and the integration of technology into the classroom, INTI emphasises an education that is tailored to the needs of tomorrow’s leaders. There are six INTI campuses (including university and colleges) spread across Peninsular and East Malaysia, offering a wide variety of facilities and services to students from around the world. For more information, please visit


At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We demonstrate our purpose through our Corporate Sustainability (CS) programmes. CS includes inclusion and diversity, environment, well-being, our community outreach and upskilling programmes, mainly focusing on education and capacity building. We make it a point to measure the impact of our efforts and programmes. This helps us to understand how we have helped our stakeholders, and continuously improve on the things we do. We have also been recognised as the Top #1 in Professional Services for Graduan Brand Awards 2021. Check out our PwC Annual Report 2020-2021 for more information.


Rotary members are People of Action. Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change. Rotary makes help happen. We take action to empower educators to inspire learning at all ages. Rotary unites more than a million people. Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world. Connect with us at Facebook: Rotary Club of Central Damansara (RCCD) RI District 3300


Rotary Club of Gombak (RCG) was chartered in 1970 and has been involved in service to the community for the past 52 years and continues to serve for the greater good of humanity.

In the avenue of service to youth and their well-being, RCG participates every year in our Rotary District 3300 initiated “Rotary Kasih” program to provide aid (food, books and stationery) to needy students in the Klang Valley. In the area of Youth Leadership, RCG initiated a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program many years ago for intensive leadership training. This program has been adopted by the district and is now conducted annually for youth from our community. As a natural progression on the youth enrichment journey, RCG is pleased to partner with The Edge Education Foundation in their goal to improve financial literacy of our youth.


The Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu was chartered on November 24, 1952 (then known as the Rotary Club of Jesselton). It is one of 46,000 member clubs worldwide of Rotary International, RCKK has 68 members comprising professionals, business and community leaders around Kota Kinabalu. RCKK is a humanitarian service club. It is very much involved in carrying out various social, educational and community services programmes, especially in rural areas and for the underprivileged.


The Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu South [RCKKS], chartered on the 14th of November 1989 by the Rotary International, is a Non-Governmental Organisation [NGO] which subscribes to Rotary International motto of “Service above Self”. It is not a charitable organisation but renders assistance to the underprivileged, the needy and the less fortunate members of society, particularly those in the rural areas. It is a non-political and non-religious association of business and professional men and women drawn together with a common purpose of doing community works locally and to the world at large through various humanitarian programs of Rotary International for the promotion of world understanding, goodwill and peace.


The Rotary Club of Sentul was established in June 1997 to serve the community in Sentul. We believe that education is the best way to build a solid foundation for a successful career and future. Our vision is to share the power of education through pro-active co-curricular activities. We have organised trips to Petrosains for schoolchildren, established a programme to provide free spectacles for students at seven schools for the next three years, furnished workbooks for UPSR students at three schools, and conducted leadership talks for student leaders of school clubs.


Spring Galaxy is a specialist business valuation and strategic advisory services provider across the Asia Pacific region.

We provide tangible business valuation support to our clients for strategic decision-making and in meeting their compliance & legal objectives. Our valuations cater to diverse client requirements such as potential investments, divestments, financial reporting, tax, fundraising, disputes, and involves valuing businesses, shares, intangibles & intellectual properties, biological assets, mining assets, various types of financial instruments and property, plant, equipment, and machinery.

Visit us at

We are eager and committed to continue to contribute our knowledge and experience with the youth through Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes and we look forward to our continuing partnership with The Edge Education Foundation in Money & Me initiative to improve financial literacy for the youth.


We welcome enquiries from companies and organisations that would like to explore collaboration in running the programme in secondary schools.